Did you know every time you lift your heart up to the sky, you not only get a great stretch--which improves posture and spine flexibility... You also get:
A boost of energy
Increased oxygen levels
AND (Here is for all you Valentine's out there!) stimulation of the heart chakra, which makes you more receptive to relationships and experiences.
Here are a few backbends you might try!
Modified Crescent Pose (With Chair)

Seated Backbend (I call this one Flashdance!)

Crescent Pose (Be sure your front bent knee is over your foot!)

Camel Pose (tucking the toes under will make the reach not quite so far.)

Bridge Pose (Make sure you keep space between your chin and your chest.)

Savasana with Bolster (Any sturdy pillow will do!)

Get Heart Happy this Valentine's Day, With a Back Bend!
Alison Burmeister
Balanced Beauty